The website uses cookies for the purpose of ensuring proper navigation, personalizing content and advertisements, providing social media functionality, and analyzing traffic.

Cookies are typically text strings that websites (so-called publishers, or “first parties”) visited by the user, or different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), place and store – directly, in the case of publishers, and indirectly, that is, through these publishers, in the case of third parties – on a terminal device within the user’s control. By visiting the website, small text files called “cookies” containing information useful for improving the usability of the website will automatically be saved on the device used (computer, smartphone, or tablet).

Cookies can have different characteristics based on their duration (session or permanent) and also from a subjective perspective (depending on whether the publisher acts independently or on behalf of the third party).

Based on their functionality, cookies can be divided into the following categories:

  • Technical cookies, used solely for “the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide that service” (cf. Article 122, paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code), including cookies, can be categorized as such:
  • Navigation or session cookies, which are used to allow proper navigation or the use of a service requested by the user;
  • Functionality cookies, aimed at facilitating the effective use of the website by the user
  • Analytics: This category of cookies collects information about the behavior of website users in an anonymous and aggregated manner, such as the number of visits, the most visited pages, and the sources of visitors.
  • Profiling cookies, used to attribute specific actions or recurring behavioral patterns in the use of offered functionalities (patterns) to identified or identifiable individuals, for the purpose of grouping different profiles into homogeneous clusters of varying sizes. This allows the data controller, among other things, to provide the service in a more personalized manner beyond what is strictly necessary for service delivery, as well as to send targeted advertising messages that align with the user’s preferences expressed during online browsing.

Regarding technical cookies, which are necessary for correct and secure browsing, these are usually not stored persistently on the user’s device and are deleted at the end of the browsing session, when the browser is closed, or after a short period of time. Without these cookies, the website is unable to function correctly, and according to current regulations, it is not necessary to obtain the user’s consent for their use.

Without your explicit consent, we will not track any type of cookies, except for those necessary for the functioning of the website.


Before expressing your preferences regarding consent for the collection of statistical or customization cookies, we invite you to read the cookie policy.

As for analytical cookie, they are used to collect, in an anonymized form, data about the usage of the website by visitors. This includes information such as the number of people visiting the site, the most viewed pages, referral sources, and other data related to the use of content, as well as the use of forms by users.

Finally, regarding profiling cookies third-party profiling cookies are used to track the user’s online navigation and create profiles based on their tastes, habits, and choices. This enables the delivery of targeted advertising messages to the user’s device in line with their previously expressed preferences during online browsing. These cookies will only be installed after obtaining your explicit consent by selecting the appropriate checkbox in the website’s banner. You can always revoke any consent you may have given by disabling cookies or by using the specific functionality provided below.

The website incorporates buttons that allow the user to receive cookies on their device, which are sent to interact directly with social media platforms.

These services allow for interactions with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of the website. These cookies, in particular, will be used solely to track online behavior and advertise the website’s content.

For more information on how data collected by social networks is processed, please refer to the privacy policies of the respective service providers:

Include links to the privacy policies of the connected social media


How to disable cookies (opt-out)


If you wish to disable one or more types of cookies for this website, you may need to access the settings of the browser you are using to browse.

Indeed, it is always possible to refuse consent to the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting in your browser. The links that explain how to disable cookies for the most common browsers are:


  • Apple Safari:
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Google Chrome:
  • Internet Explorer:
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