What is the
Royal Victoria Hotel
in Pisa
This is the story of the oldest hotel in Italy and of the Piegaja family.
It all began in the 11th century, in 1050 to be precise. Documents have been discovered showing that the headquarters of the Vinajoli Corporation’s guesthouse existed in that year in the place that still houses the hotel today. Here, the ancient artisan corporation welcomed guests to their inn and carried out activities related to teaching vine cultivation and wine production.

Books, movies and history: Royal Victoria Hotel in culture
Staying at the Royal Victoria Hotel means immersing oneself in the enchantment and charm of a bygone era. ust step through its threshold, and you’ll leave the present behind, transported into the authentically preserved atmosphere of a history-rich past, the same one that in the 1800s welcomed famous travelers of the Grand Tour and offered hospitality to important figures from the world of culture, science, entertainment, and politics.

Famous Rooms
Over the course of nearly three centuries, the Royal Victoria Hotel has hosted many famous personalities.
An obligatory stop on the Grand Tour, the hotel has always been a meeting place for intellectuals, nobility, royalty, artists, poets, musicians, writers, scientists, and Heads of State.
Listing all the names would be practically impossible, considering that there are approximately 150 historical figures recorded in just the first 10 years of the hotel’s activity. The hotel’s prestigious guest list has continued uninterrupted to the present day, making the Royal Victoria Hotel a place that still has the honor of hosting Nobel laureates, government members, and royalty.

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